
Nicola Ferrigni

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Nicola Ferrigni is Associate Professor of General Sociology at  and "General and Political Sociology" at Link Campus University, where he coordinates the Link LAB (Laboratory for Social Research) and the observatories Generazione Proteo and Suicidi per motivazioni economiche

He carried our research actiity at Eurispes (Institute of Political, Economical and Social Studies), coordinating various editions of Rapporto Italia, and Rapporto nazionale sulla condizione dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza (Eurispes-Telefono Azzurro), and other researches on the social effects of public policies.
His main research interests include the perception of safety and the management of public order. He incorporated said themes to a series of courses organized for the Police Academy and the School of Advanced Studies for Police Forces. He collaborated with the Public Order Office of the Department of Public Security for the realization of a study on the evolution of political, trade-union, student, sports and religious demonstrations that took place in Italy between 2005 and 2014. In 2015 he carried out scientific research for the Police Headquarters of Rome, coordinating a series working groups aimed at the study if the percepion of safety by the citizens in specific contexts such as the stadium (research on the barriers built at the Olympic Stadium), parades, and the youthful  nightlife in Rome.

He deals with sports also with reference to the social dimension of major sports events, as well as the sociologic analysis of the public (in particular, the ultras phenomenon). He collaborated as an expert with the National Observatory on Sports Events (Public Order Office) of the Ministry of Interior. On topics of sports, he also coordinated the First National Report on Cycling (realized in collaboration with the Italian Federation of Cyclism) as well as the research (commissioned by RCS-Ciclismo) on the social-cultural and economic impact of the 100th Giro d'italia.

His academic research is also focused on the youth dimension. In particular, he coordinates the Observatory “Generazione Proteo” which connects School and University, plans and carries out business meetings and events aimed at favouring cultural growth, integration and young people's participation to the democratic life. Every year, the Observatory realizes a national research involving several thousands of students aged 17 to 20 years, and addresses the student's relationship with politics, the labour market, cultural models and consumption, lifestyles, etc.

Finally, he conducts research on public welfare policies and the theme of suicides for economic reasons (in 2012 he founded an observatory on this matter, which represents an accredited source of data on the phenomenon for Institutions, means of information, trade associations, scientific communities and public opinion.

He is a speaker at national and international seminars, amd authored various scientific publications, such as “La paura viene twittando. Social media, terrorismo e percezione della sicurezza” (Sociologia, 2018); Redditanza. Il reddito di cittadinanza raccontato da giornali e percepito dai cittadini (Gangemi 2017); “La sicurezza negli stadi: il nuovo modello organizzativo dello Stadio Olimpico di Roma” (Amministrare, 2016); “La violenza negli stadi. Il modello italiano per la sicurezza” (Rassegna italiana di sociologia, 2015); Dieci anni di ordine pubblico. Focus sulle manifestazioni politiche-sindacali-sportive (Eurilink 2015), C’era una volta l’ultrà (Eurilink 2013). In 2018, he edited the book “Generazione Proteo”, which contains the results of five years of research of the Observatory and a report on the annual event #ProteoBrains2017. 

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