
Final Dissertation

Final Dissertation (Bachelor's and Master's Degree)

The final examination consists in the discussion and evaluation of a written dissertation, called thesis, written in Italian (or, upon authorization of the supervisor, in a foreign language) on a subject related to a discipline in which the student has taken an exam.

Before proceeding to submit the assignment request for the final dissertation, the student should make contact with the faculty member they would like to be their supervisor.

At the time of the request, the supervisor must be the person in charge of the teaching for the subject chosen for the final dissertation.

The final dissertation must be developed originally by the student under the guidance of a Supervisor who will act as a guarantor of the work and will follow the student in the drafting process.

The final dissertation is entirely managed through the portal Esse3 portal.


Therefore, the students who intend to graduate must necessarily:


1. Submit the assignment request for the final dissertation within the set deadlines (ALL.1 Scadenze)

The procedure is the following:

The student should log in to the Esse3 platform

This is the path to follow: Carriera>Domande>Richiesta di assegnazione della tesi

The students must submit the provisional title agreed upon with the faculty member who will serve as supervisor.

The title of the final dissertation may be updated at the time of application for graduation.


2. Register for the graduation session by filling out the graduation application and paying the graduation fee of €332 through PagoPA (ALL.1 Scadenze)

The procedure is the following:

The student should log in to the Esse3 platform

This is the path to follow: Carriera>Domande>Domanda di laurea

The students must submit the final title agreed upon with the faculty member who will serve as supervisor.


3. Upload of the final dissertation.

The procedure is the following:

The student should log in to the Esse3 platform

The student should follow this path within the prescribed deadlines (ALL.1 Scadenze)

Carriera>Domande>Upload della tesi

The student must upload the final dissertation in pdf format, upon approval by the supervisor.

The supervisor will then digitally sign the  final dissertation through Esse3 at a later period, as established by the Academic Office and the teaching staff of the Degree Course.

The precedure entails random checks on the uploaded files.


Additional Fulfillments - All students should submit to the Career Services office:

all the documents required for the recognition of the curricular internship (only if required).