Veracity controls operated by officers of the Public Administration
Pursuant to article 71, par. 1 of D.P.R. 445/2000, "le amministrazioni procedenti sono tenute ad effettuare idonei controlli, anche a campione, e in tutti i casi in cui sorgono fondati dubbi, sulla veridicità delle dichiarazioni sostitutive di cui agli articoli 46 e 47". Pursuant to D.P.R. 445/2000 (Testo unico in materia di documentazione amministrativa) and D.Lgs 82/2005 (Codice dell'amministrazione digitale), for the purpose of facilitating the automatic acquisition and the control of the affidavits regarding situations, facts and personal information provided for in artt. 46 and 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000, the administrations owning databases that can be accessed electronically may enter into agreements with other administrations aimed at regulating how to access the data contained in said databases.
Agreement for the access to the Academic Database
Link Campus University has entered into an agreement for the access to the data of the Online Student Services: the access is available through the ESSE3 PA application, by logging in to the Academic Portal.
The Public Administrations and the Providers of Public Services interested in the stipulation of said agreement are invitied to:
a) Print, fill out and sign the agreement in duplicate;
b) Print, fill out and sign the modulo di richiesta di accreditamento/adesione alla consultazione dei dati (che deve essere compilato sia per il Legale Rappresentante sia per ogni altro incaricato che si intende accreditare per l’accesso ai dati);
c) provide a copy of a valid identity document and the tax code of the person referred to in point b);
d) send the documents provided for in points a, b and c in a sealed envelope to:
Link Campus University
C.A. Mladena Mirceta
Via del Casale di San Pio V, 44
00165 Roma
The request application, duly filled in and signed, can be sent through the certified email of the requesting unit at the following certified email address:
Upon completion of the preliminary procedure, the competent office of the University will return a countersigned copy of the agreement and communicate the login credentials to the ESSE3 PA database.
Procedures for consulting the database without an agreement
The verification of the self-certification and the self-declaration submitted by the PA by fax will no longer be processed: consequently, we will only take into consideration verification requests sent by electronic means (email or certified email), priority mail or registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
Obviously, the control will be carried out excusively in case of correct indications of the personal data of the subject who submitted the application and precise indication of the data to be verified.
Modalities for consultation by private parties
When a request for a truthfulness check is submitted by a
For further clarificaton please contact the Academic Administration Office.