Gender Budgeting is a fundamental tool for the development of an Academic strategy specifically designed to propose decisive actions aimed at overcoming gender inequality from the perspective of gender mainstreaming, with a "systematic consideration of the gender perspective and thus the differences between women and men in terms of views, conditions, situation and needs in all policies and actions" (EIGE). It is a composite document that does not only account for gender distribution and the participation of women and men in different areas of the campus, but also promotes the planning of a virtuous path for gender perspective.
Our young institution, within the framework of the rapid development over the last decade, eagerly welcomed this urgent challenge, intending to face it using all the means at its disposal, and sharing all the data collection and analysis processes provided by the entire academic community.
Collect and analyse gender-related disaggregated data on teaching staff, technical-administrative and students, to assess the presence and equal distribution of gender in all sectors of the university.
Periodically assess the effectiveness of the measures taken through gender budgeting and monitor progress towards the effective realization of gender equality within the university.
The Board for Gender Budgeting is comprised by:
Prof. Marco Nicolosi (Coordinator)
Prof. Manuela Minozzi
Prof. Cinzia Vallone
Delegate prof. Sabatini
Gender Issues Office
TEL: 06 34006048
The Office receives by appointment
Rector's delegate for DSA and gender issues: Prof. Desirée Sabatini
Coordinator: Dott. Marianna Palmisano
Download Gender Budgeting 2021
Download Monitoring Form 2021-2023