
Globalisation, Governance and International Understanding - III edizione

II livello
Luglio 2021
1 anno
Eight weeks full time(3 weeks in Rome, 2 in Moscow, 3 in Rome)

Aperte le iscrizioni
Inizio Luglio 2021

L'avvio dei Master è suscettibile di variazione alla luce dell'emergenza epidemiologica e/o del raggiungimento del quorum degli iscritti.


The objective of the Master programme is to provide students with a solid understanding of the globalisation phenomenon in all of its dimensions (worldwide markets for goods and services, capital and labour/migration, political science, philosophy, the planetary challenge of the environment and sustainable development).

It also offers insights and tools with which to analyse and affect the impact of globalisation on local development. As such due consideration is given to the complexity of local-global interactions in the multifaceted arenas of globalisation with a focus on Italian, Mediterranean and Russian Societies and the New World Order.

Graduates have also gone on to successful careers in many different countries and areas of employment such as international organisations, the media, government, business and finance.

About the course: Premise

Globalisation affects the lives of people all around the world. It does so in many different ways. The closing down of factories in Europe due to strong competition from developing countries providing cheaper labour, has produced a new, economically disconnected, underclass in western societies.

This class’s dissatisfaction affects policy at local, national and international levels. At the same time, migrants attempt to cross the Mediterranean Sea in fragile, overfull boats, in the hope of gaining a share of Europe’s riches. The determination of these migrants indicates that there’s still a strong divide in prosperity levels between the Global North and South.

About the course: Outcomes

In the Master’s students will also study the various dimensions and aspects of globalisation and migration and how Italian and Russian Societies have absorbed the new agenda of the 21st century.

The main aim is to gain a better understanding of the changing relationships of global and local societies through the rise of social and spatial inequalities.

Students will come to learn that these are brought about by global processes, migration and mobility and the emergence of transnational identities, which may contrast with local orientations that may be part of the same multicultural societies. The direct focus will be on the effects on the Italian and Russian Societies.




I candidati al Master, per essere ammessi devono essere in possesso di Laurea Specialistica, di Laurea Magistrale e/o di Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento, conseguita in una Università degli Studi della Repubblica Italiana o altro Istituto Superiore equiparato, o di altro titolo equivalente conseguito presso altra Università, anche straniera, a condizione che il medesimo sia legalmente riconosciuto in Italia.

I candidati in possesso di un titolo accademico conseguito all’estero dovranno essere in possesso della dichiarazione di valore del titolo conseguito, rilasciata dalle competenti rappresentanze diplomatiche o consolari italiane del paese in cui hanno conseguito il titolo.


La retta annuale, senza agevolazioni, per l’iscrizione è di € 12.000.

Bando per n. 10 Borse di studio a copertura totale della Retta di iscrizione, comprensiva delle spese di viaggio e soggiorno in Russia.


Lo studente che desideri immatricolarsi, potrà chiedere un appuntamento con l’Ufficio Orientamento, chiamando il +39 06 94802282

Borse di studio

Link Campus University, in collaborazione con Fondazione Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale e l’Università di Mosca Lomonosov Moscow State University, erogano n. 10 Borse di studio a copertura totale della Retta di iscrizione, delle spese di viaggio e soggiorno in Russia.

Termine ultimo per la presentazione della domanda, a pena di esclusione, è il 28 maggio 2021.

La data della prova di selezione sarà pubblicata sul sito di ateneo e notificata ai candidati a mezzo mail.

Scarica il Bando di concorso

Scarica la domanda di ammissione

Scarica la Graduatoria

Module 1. Past, Present and Future of Globalisation

  • Early Forms of Globalisation Leonova
  • Dimensions of Globalisation: Financial, Economic, Military, Political, Cultural, Sanitary
  • Conceptual Structure of Globalisation
  • The broader impacts of the response to the Covid pendemic accelerated trends and new forms of Globalisation

Module 2. Pros and Cons of Globalisation (Key Themes)

  • Globalisation and Health
  • Globalisation and Environment
  • Globalisation and Equality
  • Globalisation and Labour
  • Globalisation and Government
  • Globalisation and Culture
  • Globalisation and Security
  • Globalisation and Democracy

Module 1. Globalisation and International Relations

  • The Emerging International Order
  • Global Threats
  • Security in a Multipolar World
  • War by Proxy

Module 2. Cultural Globalisation

  • How Language Change
  • Clash of Civilizations?
  • Globalised Values vs Local Values and Cultures
  • Integration of Cultures

Module 1. Russia and Italy in a Global framework

  • History on Russia-Italy Relations
  • Russia-Italy Economic Cooperation
  • Italian Policy in NATO, and Russia-Italy Relations
  • The New Russian Policy for Mediterranean and Italy: Convergent or Divergent Interests

Module 1. Economic Development in a Global framework

  • International Development Intistutions: the World Bank and the IMF
  • Has Globalisation Failed?
  • The International Migration Phenomenon
  • Fostering a new Approach to Developmente in a Globalised World
  • Superpowers and Direct Foreign Investments
  • Strategies of Global Capital Markets
  • World Health Organisation: a new role to play

Module 1. Globalization and Trade

  • History of International Trade
  • The role of money in globalisation and trade
  • How trade and investments affect income growth and distribution
  • From the General Agreement on Tarifs and Trade (GATT) to the World Trade Organization
  • International flows of capitals - a monetary policy perspective
  • Regulation and de-regulation of trade, including multi-lateral trade liberalization
  • Project work

Module 1. The Technology and Economics Arena

  • Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics: a New Area of Global Competition
  • The New Manufacturing Geography: Newly Industrialized Countires: Vietnam, Morocco, Czech Republic
  • The GLOBAL of Digital Platforms vs Nations States and Societes
  • Open Innovation: the Global Landscape
  • Project work
  • Globalisation and Tranfer Prices
  • Globalisation and Fiscal Regulatiuons

Module 2. Globalisation and Media

  • Globalisation of Health Crisis through Media
  • Globalisation and Social Media
  • Globalisation and Content Production and Distribution in Creative Industries
  • The Mediterranean Sea: an area of Conflicting Powers
  • Project work

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