
Giorgio Grimaldi

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Giorgio Grimaldi is Associate Professor of History of International Relations at Link Campus University. Research Doctor in History of Federalism and European Unity (University of Pavia), he was a researcher at the Centro Studi sul Federalismo in Moncalieri (Turin) and research fellow at the University of Turin, the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa and the University of Genova.

He was adjuct professor of History of International Relations at the Università della Valle d’Aosta (2006-2016) and then at the Department of Political Science at the University of Genova, where he coordinated a series of integrative courses (History of International and European Environmental Policies; History of Ecological Thought; the Green Parties in Europe: origins, development and impact on the contemporary society) as well as the annual course of History and Institutions of the Middle Eastern Countries. 

Between 2013 and 2015 he was project manager of the European Projects of education aimed at secondary schools @School “Hopeurope” and EU@School “Hopeurope 2 at the Department of Political Science of the University of Genova. From 2018 to 2022, he was an adjunct professor of the European Union Economic-Political Geography course at eCampus University and from 2021 to 2023 of Contemporary History and Sources of the Territory at the Department of Economics, University of Genoa (Imperia campus). In 2014, he attained a qualification as a second-rank professor (sector SPS/06 - History of International Relations) and, since 2024 as a first-rank professor in sector 11/A3 Contemporary History.

He authored several publications-including the monographs Federalismo, ecologia politica e partiti verdi (Giuffré, 2005) and I Verdi italiani tra politica nazionale e proiezione europea (il Mulino, 2020) - Has participated as a speaker at various scientific conferences. He teaches the Jean Monnet Module “Europartiti, democrazia e società civile nell’Unione europea” (EDSEU), scientific coordinator of the Teacher Training Project Jean Monnet EUlink European Civic Education and the university's Link research unit of PRIN 2022 The Construction of Europe in a Multipolar Era: Actors, Movements, Actions (1989-2009). The Construction of Europe in a Multipolar Era: Actors, Movements, Actions (1989-2009). Since November 2023, he has been Director of the Alizè Center for European and Transnational Historical Studies at Link University.

He is a member of the editorial board of "De Europa. European and Global Studies Journal" of the University of Turin and the journal La cittadinanza europea online, and a member of the Italian Society of International History (Sisi), the Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History (Sissco), the Italian Society of Environmental History (Sisam) and the University Association of European Studies (Ause). He has collaborated with CesUE (Center for Studies, Training, Communication and Design on the European Union and Global Governance), a spin-off of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, of which he is a member of the Scientific Committee.

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