
Exchange Programmes for Professors and Technical-Administrative Staff

Please note that the teacher is required to have an active contract with Link Campus University at the time of the Staff mobility for Teaching Assignment. Grants are awarded exclusively for short term teaching abroad as part of a mobility program agreed between Institutes that have been granted the Erasmus University Charter (EUC).


Priority in the assignment of mobility grants

For the purpose of the assignment of Erasmus STA grants, the University will give priority:

  • to activities in which the Erasmus faculty member's teaching period will be an integral part of the curriculum at the host university;
  • to mobility activities that lead to the production of new teaching material;
  • to mobility activities that will be used to consolidate and expand relationships between departments and faculties and to prepare for future cooperation projects between universities.

Duration of the grant and request for application

The mobility period may endure from a minimum of 5 consecutive working days excluding travel days (maximum 2 days), with a minimum of 8 hours of total teaching. he new call for applications, which will regulate access to mobility by students and staff (teaching and administrative) of Link Campus University in the academic year 2016-17, will be available by March 2016. Following the publication of the call for applications, the teacher must submit the appropriate form and related attachments, by sending it to the University Erasmus Office no later than March 31, 2017. On the basis of the applications received and in application of the parameters provided by the Erasmus regulations, the Erasmus Commission will draw up a list of teachers selected for departure.


Requirements for the selected professors



All selected professors who have been awarded a mobility grant are required to send to the Erasmus Office of Link Campus University the Request for Authorization of the Mobility Period, duly filled in and signed, at least 10 days before departure and the work program agreed upon with the host university, signed and stamped by both universities. In addition, teachers must sign the Erasmus Teacher Mobility Agreement, previously prepared by the Erasmus Office, which establishes rights and duties of both parties (teacher and university/national agency).



Before returning home, the professor must have the host partner institution fill in the Outgoing Teachers Certificate certifying the duration and purpose of the Staff mobility for Teaching Assignment.



Upon return, the professor must submit to the Erasmus Office of Link Campus University all the original documents attesting the expenses, as well as the originals of the airline boarding passes, in order to obtain a reimbursement. Please note that in the absence of the original receipts it will not be possible to provide reimbursement. In addition, the teacher is required to complete and send to the Erasmus Office a report on the period spent abroad. Teachers are invited to send the supporting documents for expenses, boarding passes and the final report to the Erasmus Office within 15 days after the return date.




For further information, please contact the Erasmus Office.