

  • Research Project: "Intelligenza Artificiale e diritto privato.",  finanziato dal Fondi di Ateneo (SSD: IUS/01);
    Date of Publication: 08/04/2024
    Deadline: 23/04/2024 ore 23:59
    Download the call "Intelligenza Artificiale e diritto privato."
    Link for the submission of the application form:  

    For technical problems, please contact CINECA support on the Pica Platform, through the link located at the bottom of the page. The HelpDesk is active Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Research ProjectThe resilience of sustainable finance,  financed by MUR (SSD: SECS-S/06; FIS/01)
    Publication Date of the Call: 24/01/2024
    Deadline: 08/02/2024 at 23:59
    Download the Call - "The resilience of sustainable finance""
    Link for the submission of the application:
    - RD approval of the new call 
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  • Research Project: PROPEL Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods: Development of innovative PEDs in systems of city-district systems, (SSD: SECS/P08)
    Publication Date of the Call: 28/12/2023
    Deadline: 27/01/2024 at 23:59
    Download the Call PROPEL
    Link for the submission of the application:  
    Download the decree of approval
  • Research Project: “SECRA - Robotica Sociale Empatica e Cognitiva per l’Autismo”,  financed by MUR (SSD: M-PSI/01)
    Publication Date of the Call: 13/12/2023
    Deadline: 02/01/2024 at 23:59
    Download the Call - “SECRA"
    Link for the submission of the application:  
    Download the decree of approval
  • Research Project PRIN 2022: "I_PAD Archivio Italiano della Performance in Digitale". Mappatura e diffusione del patrimonio iconografico e audiovisivo della performance mediale italiana: L'archivio di Giacomo Verde (CUP B53d2302224008) - D.R. n. 1245 del 04/12/2023”, financed by MUR (SSD: L-ART/05)
    Publication Date of the Call: 04/12/2023
    Deadline: 19/12/2023 at 23:59
    Download the Call - "I_PAD" Link for the submission of the application:
    Download the decree of approval
  • Research ProjectThe resilience of sustainable finance,  financed by MUR (SSD: SECS-S/06; FIS/01)
    Publication Date of the Call: 04/12/2023
    Deadline: 03/01/2024 at 23:59
    Download the Call The resilience of sustainable finance
    Link for the submission of the application:  
    Download the Decree of Completion of the Procedure

  • Research ProjectPiano di sviluppo territoriale sostenibile e innovativo per l’Etruria meridionale," finanziato dalla Società Cooperativa Culture (SSD: M-GGR/02)
    Publication Date of the Call: 16/06/2023
    Deadline: 01/07/2023 at 23:59
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    Link for the submission of the application:
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  • Research Project:  “L’influenza dei media nei processi di costruzione di una società gender inclusive” per il progetto GEMINI-Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New Training Insights (SSD: SPS/08)
    Publication Date of the Call: 23/05/2023
    Deadline: 07/06/2023 at 23:59
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    Link for the submission of the application:   
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  • Research Project: “Le sfide dell’innovazione digitale nell’Istruzione Superiat: insegnamento-apprendimento, ricerca e organizzazione nell'era digitale” per il progetto D-Challenghe (SSD: SPS/08)
    Publication Date of the Call: 22/03/2023
    Deadline: 06/04/2023 at 23:59
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    Link for the submission of the application: 
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  • Research Project: “Atlante del giallo. Storia dei media e cultura popolare in Italia (1954-2020)” per il Progetto PRIN 2020 (SSD: L-ART/06)
    Publication Date of the Call: 27/01/2023
    Deadline: 11/02/2023
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  • Research Project: “L’influenza dei media nel processi di costruzione di una società gender inclusive” per il progetto GEMINI-Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New Training Insights (SSD: SPS/08)
    Publication Date of the Call: 27/01/2023
    Deadline: 11/02/2023
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  • Research Project: “Il tema della gender equality nella percezione dei giovani europei” per il progetto GEMINI-Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New Training Insights (SSD: SPS/07)
    Publication Date of the Call: 27/01/2023
    Deadline: 11/02/2023
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  • Research Project: “Narrazioni seriali su gender equality e diversity” per il progetto GEMINI-Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New Training Insights (SSD: L-ART-06)
    Publication Date of the Call: 27/01/2023
    Deadline: 11/02/2023
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  • Research Project: "Incentivi e sovvenzioni pubbliche nell'ambito dei procedimenti autorizzatori relativi alla realizzazione e gestione di impianti alimentati da fonti rinnovabili"Publication Date of the Call: 18/02/2022
    Deadline: 05/03/2022
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Bando a valere sul Fondo per la Ricerca di Ateneo. Publication Date: 21/04/2023
Deadline: 30/06/2023

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  • Research Project:“Le fattispecie di rilevanza penale nell’attività delle Federazioni Sportive Nazionali, alla luce delle nuove normative vigenti e in relazione a profili di diritto comparato" Publication Date: 01/04/2019
    Deadline: 23/04/2019
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  • The resilience of sustainable finance 
  • PROPEL Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods: Development of innovative PEDs in systems of city-district systems
  • SECRA - Robotica Sociale Empatica e Cognitiva per l’Autismo 
  • I_PAD Archivio Italiano della Performance in Digitale". Mappatura e diffusione del patrimonio iconografico e audiovisivo della performance mediale italiana: L'archivio di Giacomo Verde
  • Piano di sviluppo territoriale sostenibile e innovativo per l’Etruria meridionale 
  • L’influenza dei media nei processi di costruzione di una società gender inclusive” per il progetto GEMINI-Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New Training Insights 
  • Le sfide dell’innovazione digitale nell’Istruzione Superiore: insegnamento-apprendimento, ricerca e organizzazione nell'era digitale” per il progetto D-Challenghe 
  • Atlante del giallo. Storia dei media e cultura popolare in Italia (1954-2020)
  • Ricerca ed innovazione responsabile in sistemi distretti di innovazione socio-economici: sostenibilità, fattori abilitanti, indicatori
  • La Giustizia Sportiva. Profili evolutivi e Comparati
  • Impact Economy e Social Innovation: Politiche, Fattori Abilitanti, Misurazioni



The resilience of sustainable finance

Start date: 01/03/2024

The research project involves the implementation of network models for the study of contagion risk among investment funds. The project has two objectives: 1) to quantitatively measure how the presence of ethical funds in the network makes the system more resilient to the propagation of systemic shocks; and 2) to identify vulnerability indices that will allow us to highlight in advance those nodes in the network that are most exposed to contagion risk.


PROPEL Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods: Development of innovative PEDs in systems of city-district systems

Start date: 01/03/2024

The objective of the research is to support coordinators in analyzing PED business models, their innovative components including governance, and development of a Decision Support System (DSS), to be used during PED design and management.


SECRA - Robotica Sociale Empatica e Cognitiva per l’Autismo

Start date: 19/02/2024

The research involves the conduction of a large-scale randomized clinical trial. The main objectives of the research project are: a) cerating a cognitive and social-emotional protocol to be applied in robot-assisted autism therapy; b) evaluating whether a robot can improve the cognitive, social, and emotional abilities of children with autism in three different experimental settings: laboratory, school, and home. Specifically, the activity of the project will involve protocol development for cognitive and psychological aspects, data collection at each stage of the research.


I_PAD Archivio Italiano della Performance in Digitale". Mappatura e diffusione del patrimonio iconografico e audiovisivo della performance mediale italiana: L'archivio di Giacomo Verde

Start date: 02/02/2024

This project proposes a new framework and archiving model in the form of an open access online repository for theatrical productions developed with technological tools. The case study is the archive of Giacomo Verde, representative of the Italian theatrical video movement (1980-1995). The project is divided into two parallel and interrelated pathways: 1. a theoretical pathway, in which a series of artwork documentations will be selected and analyzed 2. a practical research pathway, focused on the development of an online repository for datasets, metadata collection and archiving.


Piano di sviluppo territoriale sostenibile e innovativo per l’Etruria meridionale

Start date: 07/08/2023

The project aims to develop a sustainable territorial development plan for the Lower Etrurian territory through the release of specific policy recommendations and the construction of innovative governance models from the most recent experiences, and through the involvement of territorial realities and partnerships already existing and to be created. The project will employ innovative approaches and operational models at various scales capable of using geographic indicators for ex ante measurement and ex post impact assessment, both at a micro and meso level.


L’influenza dei media nei processi di costruzione di una società gender inclusive” per il progetto GEMINI-Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New Training Insights

Start date: 24/07/2023

Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New training Insights indaga l’influenza dei prodotti mediali nello sviluppo di un approccio gender inclusive da parte dei giovani europei. Studia le rappresentazioni delle gender identities nella serialità per comprendere se e come esse contribuiscano alla diffusione di stereotipi di genere e/o all’affermazione di un modello socio-culturale basato sulla gender equality in quattro aree: mediterranea, settentrionale, orientale e anglosassone.


Le sfide dell’innovazione digitale nell’Istruzione Superiore: insegnamento-apprendimento, ricerca e organizzazione nell'era digitale” per il progetto D-Challenghe

Start date: 01/05/2023

The applied research aims to explore the state of the art and the ongoing evolution of the digital practices and culture of academic organizations, teaching and administrative staff at the university, in order to facilitate the reorganization of processes under the impulse of digital transformations, the development of innovation in teaching-learning and research processes in Higher Education.


Atlante del giallo. Storia dei media e cultura popolare in Italia (1954-2020)

Start date: 06/03/2023

The project aims to investigate the history of the Italian crime media as a privileged key to rereading the cultural history of our country in light of the transformations of the media system, as well as the inter- and transmedia synergies, that this genre has favoured in literature, cinema, radio and the music industry, television, and comics, from the 1950s to the present day


Ricerca ed innovazione responsabile in sistemi distretti di innovazione socio-economici: sostenibilità, fattori abilitanti, indicatori

Start date: 01/04/2019

The project "Ricerca responsabile e innovazione" introduces ethics, fairness, justice and openness into innovation processes (European Commission, E.G. on Policy Indicators for Responsible Innovation 2015). The "ecology of innovation" is a methodological model that analyzes the entire phenomenon of innovation through a homogeneous and coherent view of the socio-economic "system." The research project, adopting ecology of innovation will explore the following topics: i. The dynamics that occur during innovation; ii. The benefits of applying responsible research and innovation as a multilevel innovation strategy; iii. The overall sustainability of innovation strategies.


La Giustizia Sportiva. Profili evolutivi e Comparati

Start date: 15/02/2019

The Project aims to investigate on the evolution of C.O.N.I. Sports Justice, also in light of the current relationship between sports and state systems. Furthermore, the research project will focus on a comparative analysis of the regulation of sports justice offered by the main European legal systems (France and the United Kingdom).

Impact Economy e Social Innovation: Politiche, Fattori Abilitanti, Misurazioni

Start date: 25/01/2019

The research project, with Social Innovation as a key element, will explore the following areas: ì. public policies at local and international levels; ìì. networks and enabling factors supporting community engagement and impact start-ups; ìì. "Impact Investing" through innovative ways of implementation and financing of public-provided projects and social innovation enterprise. Furthermore, the project aims at identifying methodologies and indicators useful for "impact measurement"

  • GEMINI. Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New Training Insights
  • GEMINI - Narrazioni seriali su gender equality e diversity
  • MIRA-Gamification e tecnologie immersive: ricerca e sperimentazione di soluzioni interattive che aumentino l'impatto della Gamification
  • Alfabetizzazione finanziaria e scelte socio-sanitarie nell’era digitale
  • Ricerca e progettazione di strategie innovative per industrie creative e culturali    
  • Policy Modelling and Evaluation: elaborazione di un framework simulativo multi-criteria per la modellazione e la valutazione di politiche (policy) in ambito pubblico e privato, rivolte a diversi ambiti di applicazione: trasporti, energia, industria, economia digitale, circolare e rurale
  • Ricerca e analisi di strumenti per l’applicazione delle metodologie nell’ambito della ricerca e sviluppo dell’innovazione tecnologica
  • La crisi d’impresa tra diritto interno, europeo e comparato 
  • Sistema integrato intelligente per la gestione innovativa e sostenibile di ecosistemi agro-ambientali
  • Media e terrorismi. L’impatto della comunicazione e delle reti digitali sull’insicurezza percepita
  • Applicazione del modello Internet of Things (IOT) ai sistemi energetici 
  • Ottimizzazione e impatto ambientale dei processi di conversione dell’energia
  • Gli SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) come elemento di aggregazione e sviluppo. In campo istituzionale, aziendale e sociale in Italia 
  • Il mercato italiano dell’ottica. Analisi della sostenibilità dei cicli di produzione, della distribuzione e delle dinamiche commerciali come fattori di competitività aziendale
  • Ricerca e analisi di strumenti per l’applicazione delle metodologie previste nell’ambito della ricerca ed innovazione responsabile
  • Rischio Cyber: normativa e metodologie di modellazione e simulazione per determinarne costo ed impatti nella Governance delle PA e delle PMI
  • Proposta per un approccio metodologico slow starting e mini-invasivo nella transizione da wise city a smart city
  • Strategie politiche energetiche e cambiamento climatico
  • Il conflitto e le sue declinazioni: cause, effetti domino e peace-building. Un approccio interdisciplinare
  • SMbG Lab – Laboratorio per la Smart Governance di sistemi di trasporto e Smart logistics basata su modelli
  • L’audiovisivo teatrale. Documentazione e identificazione di metodologie di restauro dello spettacolo digitale   
  • DECODE: Sviluppare competenze nell’era digitale
  • Nuovi modelli di project management per progetti di commercio internazionale
  • Analisi normativa sul fenomeno migratorio per motivi sportivi – profili giuridici
  • Comizi d’amore. Il cinema e la questione sessuale in Italia (1948-1978)
  • Ricerca, analisi e progettazione di interfacce informatiche strutturate su elementi di gamification 
  • Analisi e progettazione di prodotti multimediali e interattivi nell’ambito dell’Internet of Thing
  • Studio di nuove metafore e modelli comunicativi all’interno di contesti espositivi mediante l’applicazione dei paradigmi di Interaction Design e User Experience
  • La Nuova Giustizia Sportiva. Adeguamento della normativa federale. Problematiche e criticità 
  • Micro-progettazione didattica e sviluppo di Learning Object per corsi massivi online aperti a tutti 
  • Analisi e progettazione didattica di corsi massivi online aperti a tutti (MOOC) 
  • Analisi funzionale e progettazione grafica per potenziare l’efficacia formativa di social learning platform web e mobile
  • Studio e analisi dei paradigmi di Interazione Naturale per l’Ambient Intelligence e l’Internet of Things
  • Studio e analisi inerenti i sistemi di intermediazione per l’offerta di servizi in ambito socio-sanitario, rivolti ad utenti anziani e/o fragili, nell’ambito del progetto Home Care 4 All
  • Design di prodotti interattivi per l’intrattenimento e l’educazione per l’infanzia
  • Metodologie di progettazione e tecniche di valutazione dell'usabilità e della user experience degli oggetti intelligenti in ambito domestico
  • L’insegnamento della Storia dell'Arte: nuove metodologie didattiche che consentano l'integrazione di device mobili e wearable technologies
  • Tecnologie a supporto della partecipazione del cittadino all'interno di città e territori intelligenti
  • Multi-scale approach to Smart Materials 
  • Creatività collaborativa nella scuola intelligente: nuovi paradigmi di interazione nei processi creativi a scuola e nell’università
  • Modelli didattici efficaci in ambienti di apprendimento misti: come aumentare il livello di flessibilità ed efficacia dei processi formativi, integrando innovative tecnologie e metodologie di apprendimento e insegnamento
  • Listening Smartcities. Nuove narrazioni per nuove urbanità
  • Accessible city: comunicare, muoversi e vivere nelle città intelligenti con le tecnologie assistive
  • Interaction Design e comunicazione digitale per il settore dei beni culturali 

GEMINI. Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New Training Insights

Start date: 06/03/2023

The theme of gender equality in the perceptions of young Europeans. The GEMINI-Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New training Insights project aims to explore, from an intersectional point of view, the influence of media products (and TV series in particular) in the development of a gender inclusive approach by European youth. To this end, GEMINI studies representations of gender identities in seriality, with the aim of understanding whether and how they contribute to the spread of gender stereotypes and/or the establishment of a socio-cultural model based on gender equality in four different European geographical and socio-cultural areas (Mediterranean, Northern, Eastern, and Anglo-Saxon).


GEMINI - Narrazioni seriali su gender equality e diversity

Start date: 06/03/2023

Within this project and a large international research group, the state of the art on the topic of gender and media relations will be analyzed, with particular reference to the issue of gender equality and diversity in the Italian and European audiovisual sector; Analysis of consumption practices of serial products among the target group involved in the project (young adults), through qualitative survey techniques, and definition of a reference corpus of TV series; Analysis of serial representations (in the reference corpus) of gender identities from an intersectional perspective, with particular attention to both the production context in which they are proposed and the aesthetic and narrative dimension through which they are elaborated. Participation in communication and dissemination initiatives of the project's activities and results, with particular reference to the work to be carried out by the Observatory on Gender Equality and Diversity in Audiovisual Media.


MIRA-Gamification e tecnologie immersive: ricerca e sperimentazione di soluzioni interattive che aumentino l'impatto della Gamification

Start date: 21/02/2022

Theoretical and applied research in the area of gamification design, applied specifically to contexts involving the use of immersive technologies; game studies, with particular reference to projects related to the use of games and their constituent elements to support motivation and engagement in non-game contexts.


Alfabetizzazione finanziaria e scelte socio-sanitarie nell’era digitale

Start date: 16/03/2020

Research project aimed at assessing the link between the level of financial literacy and the social-health behaviors of individuals in the age of digital technologies


Ricerca e progettazione di strategie innovative per industrie creative e culturali

Start date: 01/12/2019

Theoretical/practical research in the area of designing innovative strategies applied to cultural and creative industries. In particular, the study of innovative approaches that take into account the point of view of the organization (management) and that of the user (engagement), with the aim of realizing a path consistent with the need to adapt the cultural sector to the times of technology.


Policy Modelling and Evaluation: development of a multi-criteria simulative framework for modeling and evaluation of policies (policies) in the public and private sectors, targeting different application areas: transportation, energy, industry, digital, circular and rural economy

Start date: 17/10/2019

Socio-economic systems, critical infrastructure (transportation, energy, etc.) and modern economic systems (digital economy, circular economy, etc.) are complex dynamic systems often associated with uncertain behavior. Indeed, the behavior of such systems is influenced by different types of uncertainty, nonlinear relationships among the characterizing variables, lags, to feedback loops that are implicit and characteristic of the systems themselves. Under these assumptions, it is important to develop systems analysis approaches that can be used to develop and evaluate system policies (policy), both at the tactical and strategic levels. The objective of this research is to develop a multi-criteria simulative framework, based on System Dynamics (SD) and Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA), for modeling and evaluating policies (policies) in the public and private spheres, targeting different application areas: transportation, energy, industry, digital, circular and rural economy.


Ricerca e analisi di strumenti per l’applicazione delle metodologie nell’ambito della ricerca e sviluppo dell’innovazione tecnologica

Start date: 15/10/2019

Research and analysis of tools for the application of methodologies in the development of technological innovation. Research will include analysis of new business models, study of the application of new technologies in the current business environment, and analysis of the development of new production processes and their social and economic impact.


La crisi d’impresa tra diritto interno, europeo e comparato

Start date: 08/05/2019

The theme of the research project is business crisis, in particular the analysis of the regulations of the Italian legal system (also in the light of Legislative Decree No. 14 of January 12, 2019) as well as the European legal system and the main Western legal systems on business crisis; the main reference themes of the study will be related to insolvency, jurisdiction, negotiation tools (judicial and extrajudicial) for the settlement of the crisis and coordination systems when more than one national legal system is involved.


Sistema integrato intelligente per la gestione innovativa e sostenibile di ecosistemi agro-ambientali

Start date: 25/01/2019

The project focuses on the creation of an aerial UAV platform and rover for non-destructive analysis to support the qualitative-quantitative, and real-time assessment of agricultural and forestry systems and for the diagnosis of environmental resources. The platform, named AgridroneVision, will consist of an aircraft, remotely piloted and equipped with multisensory instrumentation dedicated to proximal observation and a ground-based component (rover). The expected results of the project will result in a working prototype of the proposed system through the realization and fine-tuning of a UAV and rover platform capable of providing multisensory data for the phenotyping of biotic and abiotic stresses in forests and agricultural crops.


Media e terrorismi. L’impatto della comunicazione e delle reti digitali sull’insicurezza percepita

Start date: 01/11/2018

Since September 11, 2001, the media have become one of the main narrators of terrorism, and often their narratives, by stoking fear, have helped to influence the public's sense of perceived insecurity and consequently also some political choices. Starting from these premises, the research project aims to study the strategic role that communicative narratives of terrorism play in shaping public opinion, both of citizens and political-institutional actors. The researcher, in close collaboration with the scientific director of the research, will be expected to participate in the retrieval and analysis of data and to support all phases of the dissemination of the research findings, taking care in particular of the organization of national and international scientific conferences and public events specifically dedicated to the topic.


Applicazione del modello Internet of Things (IOT) ai sistemi energetici

Start date: 01/07/2018

The research program is related to the application of the Internet of Things (IOT) model to energy systems and the interface with other components, sensors, and devices for surveying, modeling, and energy and environmental analysis of integrated systems, emphasizing possible actions to improve their performance. The development and implementation of energy and environmental monitoring protocols will also be required in order to characterize performance. Monitoring data and simulations will be compared in order to optimize analysis results.


Ottimizzazione e impatto ambientale dei processi di conversione dell’energia

Start date: 01/06/2018

The needs that have emerged from the regulations on the exhausts of internal combustion engines, aimed at guaranteeing health and an environmentally sustainable and environmentally friendly exploitation of energy resources, derived from oil and renewable sources, are directing the automotive sector towards the development of engines with reduced environmental impact and high energy efficiency. Energy management-which is a major aspect of the impact human activities have on the environment-now requires careful study from both plant engineering and process optimization perspectives. The objective of the research is to further study and analyze the performance and emissions in a gasoline direct injection engine. The mixture formation processes in the combustion chamber are related to both the production of particulate exhaust emissions into the atmosphere and the occurrence of abnormal combustion. Indeed, abnormal combustions turn out to be strictly restrictive to the energy efficiency of an engine. This research project also aims to generate knowledge on the study of parameters affecting the phenomenon of detonation in gasoline direct injection engines.


Gli SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) come elemento di aggregazione e sviluppo. In campo istituzionale, aziendale e sociale in Italia

Start date: 21/05/2018

The project will address the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda as an element of aggregation and development in Italy through: profiling all possible stakeholder for each of the 17 goals (Recognized Experts, Actively Engaged Associations, Relevant Institutions, Companies operating in the specific sectors, Companies engaged in specific Company Social Responsibility actions); mapping recent activities in Italy in the institutional, corporate and social spheres regarding the SDGs, with particular focus on scientific, institutional and political communication and dissemination activities; and investigating political and social dynamics. The approach will combine: Comparative analysis of expert debates; Analysis of best practices; Interdisciplinary method (communication, economics, marketing and sociology).


Il mercato italiano dell’ottica. Analisi della sostenibilità dei cicli di produzione, della distribuzione e delle dinamiche commerciali come fattori di competitività aziendale

Start date: 21/05/2018

The project will analyze the Italian optics market: analysis of commercial dynamics in the contact lens segment; analysis of distribution and applied sustainability parameters; analysis of the efficiency of production cycles and related parameters for sustainable development of production processes; analysis of technologies and materials used in production cycles with low environmental impact; analysis of business competitiveness factors; analysis of the efficiency of commercial cycles with particular reference to e-commerce and B2b and B2c approaches; and analysis of communication models and dynamics in the sector. The approach will combine: Comparative analysis of target market sectors; Analysis of best practices; Analysis of case histories; Interdisciplinary method (statistics, green economy, marketing).


Ricerca e analisi di strumenti per l’applicazione delle metodologie previste nell’ambito della ricerca ed innovazione responsabile

Start date: 21/05/2018

The research concerns the analysis and development of the enabling technologies related to innovative exhibits, carrying out a user experience-focused research, observing: the needs of specific users and contexts of fruition, which are increasingly varied and complex, the new opportunities offered by technologies, and the investigation methodologies that ensure exhaustiveness of analysis. In this way, the researcher will be able to identify the prerogatives of the advanced interface that allows optimizing the user experience in this area.


Rischio Cyber: normativa e metodologie di modellazione e simulazione per determinarne costo ed impatti nella Governance delle PA e delle PMI

Start date: 21/05/2018

The relentless increase in the digitization of business processes and the need for an ever-increasing level of collaboration-sharing-networking of production modes, coupled with the globalization and "commercialization" of cyber-crime, have driven an increased frequency and severity of cyber incidents and data breaches, through increasingly sophisticated ways of executing attacks targeting companies' information capital. The objective of the research is to analyze the new European legislation in the area of Cyber security in order to provide the tools for PAs and SMEs to be able to adapt to this legislation, as well as to develop qualitative and quantitative models, through the methodology of System Dynamics, to assess, also offering an estimate in terms of cost, and prevent possible cyber attacks.


Proposta per un approccio metodologico slow starting e mini-invasivo nella transizione da wise city a smart city

Start date: 01/02/2018

Wanting to abstract from individual point technology problems in favor of a coarse-grained view of functional interdependencies (sky-level approach), it would be arduous to devote ourselves to the design of a smart city without finally visualizing the implementation process as the ultimate instance of a complex development in a two-dimensional reality: - A "horizontal" development of the project, comprising a subdivision into consequential phases in the time domain with absolute preemption for all useful activities to optimize ROI, in order to minimize the initial investment and reintroduce in later scheduled phases the profits produced; - A "vertical" development of the project, aimed at subdividing the interventions into a stack of overlapping layers, capable of sharing in real time information useful for decision making through a dedicated infrastructure. The required layers, although variable in quantity, should not disregard the following: o Natural Resource Management; o Intelligent Transportation and Energy Efficiency; o Integrated Waste Cycle. A methodologically rigorous and timely approach will be pursued on the pivotal elements of both developments.


Strategie politiche energetiche e cambiamento climatico

Start date: 01/02/2018

Policies responding to climate change will have an increasing impact on the development of the energy sector nationally and internationally. Thus, the need arises to study and develop a new approach to decision making and governance of the energy sector by promoting synergies among energy, environmental and climate policies that help address issues related to the de-carbonization process through an in-depth analysis of national and international issues related to the energy-climate pair. The objectives of the research are as follows: 1) Synergistic study of energy, environmental and climate policies and assessment of the interdependencies of these areas with other areas such as technological innovation, sustainable development (circular economy, green finance and green taxtation) and the translation of mitigation scenarios into greenhouse gas emission reductions. 2) Analyze and compare methods and technologies from the natural and engineering sciences to support analysis for assessing the aggregate impact of specific actions and policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., Climate Change Policy Simulator, System Dynamics).


Il conflitto e le sue declinazioni: cause, effetti domino e peace-building. Un approccio interdisciplinare

Start date: 01/01/2018

The research examines internal and external triggers of conflict dynamics, political, social, ethnic, and economic in nature, and moves on to analyze forms of conflict management, peace-building, peace-making, and peace-enforcement from both civilian and military perspectives. Furthermore, the project will assess post-conflict contexts in their implications as to nation- and state-building; transition management; internal reconciliation processes in cases of civil wars; international mediation; the impact of conflict on the relevant geopolitical quadrant; strategies for preventing new tensions and virtuous circles of political development. Finally, it will move on to the analysis of current issues such as transnational migration; human trafficking and migrant smuggling; geopolitics of the Mediterranean basin; international terrorism; evolution of national and global intelligence; minority rights and intercultural and interreligious dialogue; good governance; and balancing democracy and security.


SMbG Lab – Laboratorio per la Smart Governance di sistemi di trasporto e Smart logistics basata su modelli

Start date: 16/09/2017

Gli obiettivi della ricerca saranno i seguenti: • Definizione ed accettazione da parte della comunità scientifica di un framework multidisciplinare denominato “Smart Model-based Governance per la Smart Logistics” (SMbG) • Uptake da parte della PA (Autorità Portuali, Ministero, Agenzie locali, etc.) e dell’Industria di tale approccio • Creazione di tool ed ambienti che consentano l’integrazione di metodi e tecnologie a supporto del Framework SMbG per l'analisi e la valutazione di impatto dovuti al riassetto di rete (es. inserimento o riqualificazione nodi, etc.) o all'introduzione di innovazione tecnologica o di processo in ambito Smart logistics.

The objectives of the research will be as follows: - Definition and acceptance by the scientific community of a multidisciplinary framework called "Smart Model-based Governance for Smart Logistics" (SMbG) - Uptake by the PA (Port Authorities, Ministry, Local Agencies, etc.) and Industry of this approach - Creation of tools and environments that enable the integration of methods and technologies to support the SMbG Framework for the analysis and assessment of impact due to network reorganization (e.g., insertion or redevelopment of nodes, etc.) or the introduction of technological or process innovation in the Smart logistics field.


L’audiovisivo teatrale. Documentazione e identificazione di metodologie di restauro dello spettacolo digitale

Start date: 01/07/2017

The research stems from the need to put in view specific issues concerning archives on theater and performance, which possess not only documents of a paper nature but also media of different types, from print to audiovisual. Specifically, the intention is to study the methodology of reconstructing the work of the actor through a vast repertoire of films and videos concerning the theater of the Italian twentieth century, from the research theater of the 1970s to the present, produced very often amateurishly and by the participants themselves, actors, directors, spectators, concerning not only the theatrical event, but everything that precedes and surrounds it, from meetings with actors, rehearsals of the performance, workshops and sometimes even the historical-cultural or private context. In addition to the problem of intertextual analysis, the project involves the application of digital technologies for comparison with the physical object, the medium that preserves the document, and for recovery, through digital restoration, of historical audiovisual documents.


DECODE: Sviluppare competenze nell’era digitale

Start date: 07/06/2017

The research project stems from an awareness of the growth of the ICT sector in Europe and the strategic significance of integrating ICT into teaching and developing teachers' digital skills. DECODE is configured as an action research whose main objective is the exchange of good practices in the European context regarding the incorporation of ICT in teaching-learning processes and the testing of innovative teaching models. In a first phase of the research is planned to conduct a comparative analysis on the real processes affecting the educational system in the project partner countries, on three specific levels: the level of policy, school management and finally the concrete incorporation of ICT in teaching practices. The second phase will focus on the testing and evaluation of a model for the development of teachers' digital competencies and from the drafting of guidelines for teachers and educational agencies

Nuovi modelli di project management per progetti di commercio internazionale

Start date: 07/06/2017

Development of project management models for the management, implementation and technical-scientific and economic-administrative monitoring of research projects developed in the context of international trade and possible innovative techniques applicable and developed with the support of the most advanced digital technologies. In particular, the research aims to identify and implement best practices aimed at increasing the competitiveness of projects developed by the Research Department, in the participation in the main funding instruments/agencies at the European (H2020), national (MISE; MIUR; etc) and regional ( POR FESR) levels


Analisi normativa sul fenomeno migratorio per motivi sportivi – profili giuridici

Start date: 01/06/2017

Research project dealing with the phenomenon of migration for sporting reasons with regard to its normative dimension. The research effort will focus on the analysis of the regulations offered by legal systems, continental and otherwise, regarding the participation of foreigners in sports. The study should cover both national laws and the regulatory sources applied by individual sports federations to allow foreigners to participate in the various sports disciplines.


Comizi d’amore. Il cinema e la questione sessuale in Italia (1948-1978)

Start date: 02/05/2017

The project has a twofold purpose. On the one hand, it studies how sexuality found representation in Italian cinema in the period between 1948 (the date of the first elections of the new Republic that handed the government of the country to the DC for over forty years) and 1978 (the date that saw the opening in Italy of the first theaters intended for the screening of pornographic film). On the other it investigates the discourses produced in Italy on sexuality as it has been specifically addressed by cinema, primarily Italian but not only. The analysis of the ways in which cinema has represented the sexual question will therefore be contextualized in the broader sphere of discourses on the relationship between cinema and sexuality, which the project intends to reconstruct through archival investigation and the perusal of newspapers and magazines.


Ricerca, analisi e progettazione di interfacce informatiche strutturate su elementi di gamification

Start date: 18/04/2017

Theoretical/practical research in the area of digital communication applied to Interaction Design. Special attention is devoted to modern techniques of gamification of computer interfaces aimed at maximizing their usability and creating stimulating dynamics to the use of specific systems. Furthermore, the aim of the project is to identify the current best practices, grasping their possible evolutions, and prototyping interfaces based on the research conducted



Analisi e progettazione di prodotti multimediali e interattivi nell’ambito dell’Internet of Thing

Start date: 11/11/2016

Theoretical/practical research in the area of digital communication applied to Interaction Design. Special attention is given to modern techniques of gamification of computer interfaces aimed at maximizing usability and creating stimulating dynamics to the use of certain systems. It is concerned with identifying current best practices, grasping their possible evolutions, and prototyping interfaces based on the research conducted.



Studio di nuove metafore e modelli comunicativi all’interno di contesti espositivi mediante l’applicazione dei paradigmi di Interaction Design e User Experience

Start date: 01/10/2015

The research project is related to the application of Interaction Design and UX paradigms in HCI, focusing on GUIs and Gestural Interfaces, through the analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of interfaces that make the user experience more engaging and intuitive.

The research will focus on the study of new metaphors and communication models to be applied within exhibition contexts, which are increasingly involved in the search for appropriate digital technologies to guide and engage the visitor, through the application of Graphic and Emotional Design principles.



La Nuova Giustizia Sportiva. Adeguamento della normativa federale. Problematiche e criticità

Start date: 20/05/2015

Sports Justice Reform of the Year 2014. The research project is focused on the analysis of the structure of the New C.O.N.I. Sports Justice Code, which, for the first time, provides an organic regulation of the sports process and federal proceedings, which have always been governed by internally effective Regulations of Federal Justice. The study covers the characters of the Code of Sports Justice: the structure, the organs of justice, the functions it regulates, as well as the problems related to the adaptation of federal regulations of each Olympic, non-Olympic and Paralympic sports activity.


Micro-progettazione didattica e sviluppo di Learning Object per corsi massivi online aperti a tutti

Start date: 05/03/2015

The project will analyze war in its declinations: political, socio-ethnic, economic roots; conflict management; state-building; reconciliation; mediation; prevention. "Satellite" themes will be represented by: migration; human trafficking; Mediterranean geopolitics; terrorism; intelligence; minority rights and intercultural dialogue; good governance; balancing democracy and security. Experimental laboratory will be offered by anomalous wars: proxy; cyber; nuclear deterrence; "frozen"; mobile and headless triggered by Islamist radicalism; post-Cold War scenarios. The approach will combine: International relations theories (realism, liberalism, social constructivism); Comparative analysis of academic literature and expert debates; Empirical component, i.e. case studies, field research and on-site focus group interviews; Interdisciplinary method (history, geopolitics, economics and sociology)


Analisi e progettazione didattica di corsi massivi online aperti a tutti (MOOC)

Start date: 05/03/2015

Study and implementation of the teaching model on the basis of which the modules of the e-learning course  (macro-design) are realized and organized: modularization of content into Learning Objects (LOs), differentiation of LOs, realization of learning pathways. The research activity identifies the characteristics  of the teaching model to measure, evaluate and ensure training effectiveness. Particular attention is paid to the motivational and attentional aspects of MOOCs. The research investigates the use of simulation/interactivity, serious game and gamification methodologies. Evaluation methods should allow the level of learning achieved to be measured and compared with the objectives of the planned training intervention.


Analisi funzionale e progettazione grafica per potenziare l’efficacia formativa di social learning platform web e mobile

Start date: 01/01/2015

Conceptualization and graphic design within the framework of the "Break in the desk" project, particularly in the study and realization of the interfaces and characterizing iconographic elements for the customization of the individual environments of the Social Learning Management System. The graphic design and production of multimedia learning objects aimed at composing the training path in e-learning mode and finally the definition of the Visual Identity and Digital Identity of the project, in order to maximize the effectiveness of the dissemination activity at the target audience with a specific focus on the web (website and social channels) and digital and printed information and promotional materials (videos, brochures, gadgets, etc.).


Studio e analisi dei paradigmi di Interazione Naturale per l’Ambient Intelligence e l’Internet of Things

Start date: 01/01/2015

Research on new human-computer interaction (HCI) paradigms and, in particular natural interaction paradigms, applied to the new scenarios of Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things. Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things are scenarios that pose new challenges in the field of HCI and the paradigms that will be used in human-computer interaction in the future, on a path from complexity to simplicity. Theoretical research will lead to defining new models of interaction, in social research for defining user requirements, in prototyping different solutions through the use of Interaction Design and ICT tools, and in validating designed solutions through usability evaluation methods.


Studio e analisi inerenti i sistemi di intermediazione per l’offerta di servizi in ambito socio-sanitario, rivolti ad utenti anziani e/o fragili, nell’ambito del progetto Home Care 4 All

Start date: 01/01/2015

The research project will be developed in the field of social research, for requirements definition, prototyping research through interaction design tools, and in that of platform validation, to be carried out through the methods of usability evaluations. The project aims to rethink the supply-demand matching model for home care services and is based on the development of an ICT infrastructure to act as a broker between providers and users of home care services. The infrastructure, through a thematic marketplace, will providè the end user with a single point of access to a wide range of services (nursing services, home rehabilitation) and ensurè a user experience consistent with the user's capabilities and possibilities̀ of interaction. Indeed, multi-channel and multi-language interfaces will be investigated in the project.


Design di prodotti interattivi per l’intrattenimento e l’educazione per l’infanzia

Start date:08/09/2014

Game-based learning has considerable advantages that can be further enhanced by the introduction of new technologies. The integration of ICT technologies with children's products paves the way for the development of devices capable of having a positive influence on the developmental age: developing the child's creativity, imagination, manual skills, logic, association and coordination skills through shapes, sounds and colours. The scientific community is already particularly active on the topic, but the continuous evolution of digital and multimedia technologies requires greater attention on the part of product design, which must be able to achieve a deeper level of integration with the technological aspect. Therefore, new tools must be designed, taking into account the parameters belonging to the world of industrial design, the target audience and the constraints dictated by the integration of technologies.


Metodologie di progettazione e tecniche di valutazione dell'usabilità e della user experience degli oggetti intelligenti in ambito domestico

Start date:08/09/2014

This research project aims to investigate smart objects in the home by investigating the design methodologies and usability and user experience evaluation techniques best suited to the domain. The smart object phenomenon is about transferring "intelligence" into everyday objects, aiming to improve and make less complex the experience of individuals. Among the most impactful applications in this regard are smart objects designed for frail groups (specifically, the elderly and disabled). These new interfaces, in which digital and physical are hybridized, effectively force a change in the way human-machine interaction takes place. Interaction becomes more complex and there is a need to identify new interaction design and evaluation methodologies that, taking into account the multiple elements involved, aim to optimize the final user experience.


L’insegnamento della Storia dell'Arte: nuove metodologie didattiche che consentano l'integrazione di device mobili e weareable technologies

Start date:08/09/2014

The project aims to focus on identifying new methodologies for teaching Art History that include mobile devices and the latest technologies. The recent spread of weareable technologies and the opportunities offered by the ever-increasing integration of network technologies in urban space make possible a more immersive fruition of the Cultural Heritage present in the territory through the addition of virtual resources to the real. The experience of fruition is amplified and allows one to range in the field of history, art, and, more generally, culture, furthering the process of understanding works of art. The teaching of Art History can thus evolve by taking advantage of the integration of the latest technologies by defining new teaching methodologies.


Tecnologie a supporto della partecipazione del cittadino all'interno di città e territori intelligenti

Start date: 01/06/2014

The research project is based on the study of new technologies and methodologies underlying citizen participation within smart cities and territories. Through the analysis of user needs (user needs) and the use of user-centered design methods (user-centered design), the main elements supporting activities concerning open government issues will be identified. In particular, tools for the use of interactive services, open data and social maps will be considered from the perspective of user experience and interaction design, mobile use of services, data visualization and communication between citizen and PA.


Multi-scale approach to Smart Materials

Start date: 01/06/2014

The smart materials are materials that possess the ability to adapt to external stimuli: they react to changes in their environment by modifying one or more of their properties (mechanical, optical, electrical, magnetic, chemical or thermal). Self-healing materials, composite materials, nanotechnologies and intelligent polymers represent product innovation that will have a major impact on issues such as greater energy efficiency, fashion and made in Italy, sustainability and safety, driving fundamental research in the direction of intelligent materials. The research project investigates the latest technologies and methodologies that are emerging in the study and design of intelligent materials applied to engineering design. The project will favour the development of a multiscale analysis that provides basic information useful for the application of intelligent materials in everyday use. Starting with a chemical-physical study at the nanoscopic level to improve the physical understanding of smart material systems, it will then proceed to a macroscopic analysis to design new functionalities and 'smart structures'. The aim is to formulate feasible design solutions that increase the deployment of such materials.


Creatività collaborativa nella scuola intelligente: nuovi paradigmi di interazione nei processi creativi a scuola e nell’università

Start date: 01/01/2014

This research project aims to stimulate and develop the creative process, from the first years of school to the university age, through the design of software interfaces and intelligent objects capable of encouraging creative - collaborative activities related to music and drawing classes in the early school years and university courses such as DAMS and Design. The first research phase is devoted to the study of the school system, analysing teaching methodologies and collaborative learning processes in the field of art. Then interaction paradigms for software interfaces and intelligent objects used in the field of traditional and digital art production are analysed. The research project ends with the conception of new interaction systems capable of creating creative collaboration ecosystems for the identification and enhancement of artistic aptitudes in schools and universities.


Modelli didattici efficaci in ambienti di apprendimento misti: come aumentare il livello di flessibilità ed efficacia dei processi formativi, integrando innovative tecnologie e metodologie di apprendimento e insegnamento

Start date: 01/01/2014

Il progetto di ricerca intende focalizzarsi sulle più recenti tecnologie e metodologie che si stanno affermando nel campo dell’e-learning e che influenzeranno in maniera determinante gli ambienti di apprendimento nel prossimo futuro. Il rapido progresso delle tecnologie, in particolare quelle mobili che consentono agli utenti di accedere senza vincoli di tempo ai contenuti formativi, comporta per gli adulti coinvolti in processi di apprendimento un accesso più flessibile alla formazione e la possibilità di migliorare costantemente le proprie conoscenze e competenze. Le organizzazioni che offrono soluzioni formative in modalità e-learning devono quindi saper soddisfare le aspettative dei nuovi discenti, impiegando differenti strategie formative che possano assicurare la flessibilità e l’efficacia dei processi di apprendimento.


Listening Smartcities. Nuove narrazioni per nuove urbanità

Start date: 01/01/2014

The research project investigates the ways in which we can collect, interpret and visually represent the informationpotential that resides in everyday gestures and continuous interactions that take place within the new urban spaces. During the research, the topic of new hybrid urbanities is initially approached from a socio-anthropological perspective. Furthermore, the project aims to study the ways in which state-of-the-art technologies can be used to approach the theme of urban ethnography in an innovative manner, designing new narrative modes capable of witnessing faithfully the changes affecting the urban fabric. Therefore, the project will favour the development of new application scenarios aimed at the elaboration of new interactive topographies animated by aggregated flows of information that will keep track on what is happening within the city in real time.


Accessible city: comunicare, muoversi e vivere nelle città intelligenti con le tecnologie assistive

Start date: 01/11/2013

The research project starts from a scenario analysis on the user needs of social inclusion at a urban level, and investigates the use of new digital technologies to be applied as ad hoc solutions in urban spaces and furnishings to allow everyone to experience the city. First of all, the programme addresses the problems of accessibility related to communication and mobility processes in the urban fabric, reviewing the main solutions adopted in the context of smart cities both nationally and internationally. In this regard, the project will analyze the needs of citizens (in particular the needs of disadvantaged people) using the tools of social research. The project will then address the issue of the so-called assistive technologies, using the Deign for All rule with the aim of studying design solutions to favour the development of an inclusive city.


Interaction Design e comunicazione digitale per il settore dei beni culturali

Start date: 01/11/2013

The research project carries out a crucial analysis of the relationship between new technologies, new paradigms of interactive routes to cultural heritage, in order to build a methodology dedicated to the design of knowledge routes and exhibition spaces able to increase the communicative reach of cultural industry products and the involvement of visitors. For this purpose, we study the behaviour and expectations of the museum public and visitors in general using methods and techniques of social investigation, in order to develop new communicative metaphors and interactive solutions to make the enjoyment of cultural heritage more rewarding, educational and involving.