
Active Research Grants


Functional analysis and graphic design to enhance the training effectiveness of web and mobile social learning platforms.

Start date: 01/01/2015
Study and realization of interfaces and characterizing iconographic elements for the personalization of individual environments of the Social Learning Management System. Graphic design and production of multimedia learning objects making up the e-learning traing path.
Definition of the Visual Identity and the Digital Identity of the Project, for the purpose of maximising the effectiveness of the dissemination at the reference targets. Specific attention will be given to web presence (website and social channels), as well as to digital and paper-based informative and promotional material (video, brochure, gadget, etc.).


Study and analysis of paradigms of natural interaction for Ambient Intelligence and internet of things.

Start date: 01/01/2015
Theoretical research aimed at defining new interaction models, in social research for the purpose of defining user requirements, in prototyping different solutions through the use of Interaction Design and ICT tools, and in validating designed solutions through usability evaluation methods. New human-computer interaction (HCI) paradigms, particularly natural interaction paradigms, applied to the new scenarios of Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things. Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things are scenarios that pose new challenges in the field of HCI and the paradigms that will be used in human-computer interaction in the future, on a path from complexity to simplicity.


Design methodologies and techniques for evaluating the usability and user experience of smart objects in a domestic environment.

Start date: 08/09/2014
Investigation of smart objects in the home environment by delving into design methodologies and usability and user experience evaluation techniques best suited to the domain.
The smart object phenomenon is about transferring "intelligence" into everyday objects, aiming to improve and make the experience of individuals less complex. Among the most impactful applications in this regard are smart objects designed for frail groups (specifically, the elderly and disabled).
These new interfaces, in which digital and physical are hybridized, actually impose a change in human-machine interaction. Interaction becomes more complex, arising the need for a new interaction design and evaluation methodologies that, taking into account the multiple elements involved, aim to optimize the final user experience.

Effective instructional models in blended learning environments: how to increase the level of flexibility and effectiveness of instructional processes by integrating innovative learning and teaching technologies and methodologies.

Start date: 27/01/2014
Survey on the latest technologies and currently emerging methodologies in the field of e-learning, that will play a decisive role in influencing the learning environments in the near future.
The rapid progress of technologies, particularly mobile technologies, allowing the users to access training content without time constraints, means that adults involved in learning processes have more flexible access to training and the possibility of constantly improving their knowledge and skills.
Organisations offering e-learning training solutions must therefore be able to meet the expectations of new learners by employing different training strategies that can ensure the flexibility and effectiveness of learning processes.

The teaching of art history: new didactic methodologies that will enable the integration of mobile devices and wearable technologies

Start date: 08/09/2014
Research based on the identification of new didactic methodologies for the teaching of Art History. The recent diffusion of wearable technologies and the opportunities offered by the ever increasing integration of network technologies in the urban spaces makes possible the fruition of the cultural heritage throughout the territory, by adding virtual resources to real experiences. As a result, the experience of fruition is amplified, allowing the subject to range over the fields of history, art and, more generally, culture, favouring the process of understanding works of art. The teaching of Art History can therefore evolve by taking advantage of the integration of the latest generation of technologies, defining new teaching methodologies.


Citizens within smart cities. More effective technologies, tools and methodologies for people's participation in decision-making processes, and in the co-creation and co-design of services.

Start date: 01/06/2014
The research project identifies how, in the Italian context, people can participate in decision-making processes and contribute to the design of solutions and services based on their needs. The project investigates the specificities of the Italian territory in order to define the most appropriate tools. The project forcuses on the different levels of citizen participation in decision-making processes, identifying the tools through which PAs can inform and involve citizens in the most effective way, the most suitable methodologies for monitoring and analysing citizen needs within smart territories and the tools that define an increasingly active role of people in said processes. The research project is developed using social research and interaction design methodologies and application tools such as open data and data visualisation, new mobile technologies, interactive maps.

Study and analysis related to the brokerage systems for the provision of services in the social-health field, aimed at elderly and/or frail users within the framework of the Home Care 4 All project.

Start date: 01/01/2015
Social research phase for the definition of requirements, prototyping through interaction design tools and validation of the platform, to be carried out through usability evaluation methods. The project rethinks the demand-supply matching model of home care services and is based on the development of an ICT infrastructure that acts as a broker between providers and users of home care services. Through a thematic marketplace, the infrastructure provides the end user with a single point of access, granting a wide range of services (nursing services, home rehabilitation) and ensures a user experience consistent with the user's capabilities and possibilities of interaction. Multi-channel and multi-language interfaces are studied in the project.

Technologies in support of the participation of the citizen and smart territory.

tart date: 01/06/2014
The research project is based on the study of new technologies and methodologies at the base of the participation of the citizens in smart city projects. The main elements supporting activities concerning open government issues are identified through user needs analysis  and the use of user-centered design methods. In particular, the project takes into consideration the tools for the implementation of interactive services, open data and social map from the point of view of user experience and interaction design, fruition of mobility services, data visualization and communication between the citizen and the public administrations.


Micro-planning of the didactic activity and development of Learning Objects for massive online open courses.

Start date: 05/03/2015
Micro-planning of the didactic activity. Elaboration of models of development of didactic contents (storyboard), for the various types of Learning Objects (LO), in particular for traditional learning objects, and interactive learning objects. The project will give specific attention to how different learning contents can be integrated for the purpose of the realization of a specific didactic model. Management of the development of didactic projects, and organization of gamification elements useful to enable a  greater involvement of the students in relation to the MOOC courses developed within the framework of the research project itself.

Study of new communication metaphors and models within exhibition contexts through the application of Interaction Design and User Experience paradigms

Start Date:  01/10/2015
Application of Interaction design and UX paradigms within the pramework of HCI, focusing on GUI and Gestural Interfaes, through the analysis, the project, the realization and the evaluation of interfaces providing a greater involvement and a more intuitive user experience. The research focuses on the study of new metaphors and communication models to be applied within exhibition contexts, which are increasingly involved in the search for digital technologies suitable for guiding and involving the visitor, through the application of Graphic and Emotional Design principles. The initial stage of the research, provides for a thorough analysis of innovative technological solutions for exhibition environment, designed to improve the use and management of cultural areas.