
Gerardo Petroccione

Adjunct Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue

Gerardo Petroccione is PhD student in Management at the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata' and is due to discuss his final dissertation in February. His main areas of research mainly focus on the payments industry and on understanding consumer behaviour and behavioural finance. He held Visiting Scholar positions at the Department of Finance of the NYU Stern School of Business in New York and at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in Barcelona.

He is the coordinator of the Italian Doctoral Society (SIDRI) at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".

He collaborates with the Editor-in-Chief of "Bancaria", the journal of the Italian Banking Association (ABI), where he is in charge of the refereeing process of the Forum section (double blind peer review).

As a member of the National Association of the Encyclopaedia of Banking and the Stock Exchange (ASSONEBB), he edited and restructured the "Bankpedia" website

He has been a speaker at several national and international conferences, presenting several scientific papers performed in teams with other colleagues. He is qualified to practise as a chartered accountant. He is a freelance journalist and has published several scientific articles in the field of economics and finance.

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The professor is available to receive students at the end of the lectures, or by appointment (to be agreed by email).